Friday, April 27, 2012

Time Flies...

April? Hello? Where are you? What it's almost May?!?! That has basically summed up the entirety of the month of April. I honestly cannot even tell you where this month has gone. We have been very busy here. 
I spent the first 2 weeks at my parents house while my sister was in town. During that 2 weeks, we celebrated my sisters birthday as well as Hailey's (her daughter) and Weston's birthdays, traveled to Indiana to see relatives, had the whole Parker clan get sick minus Elijah, and had a lot of fun in between.
   While I was gone, Chad got a lot done on the house. The dining room now has flooring installed and all that is left for the wood floor is the staircase, which should be done real quick-ha. He also had a surprise for me when I got home. He tore down all the wall paper in the dining room! He knew how much I loved that job but went ahead and did it for me. I was so relieved to see it done! 
   Since I've been home, I've been able to help with a few more house projects. I got the baseboards (which Chad finished during my absence) put up in Audrey's old room which has now been converted to the guest bedroom. I had to make some adjustments to make them work properly including using the circular saw which I am trying to overcome my fear of.
   I have included a few pictures of our adorable children, including #3 at 22 weeks in utero. I had a dr's appointment yesterday and everything looks great with the little one and I am still cleared to run (HA) or rather walk the Flying Pig half marathon next weekend. I haven't been doing too well with the running and whenever I go out, if I try to run, I become very uncomfortable and end up walking a majority of the time. I'm just hoping to finish in a reasonable amount of time AND in enough time to watch my friends who are running the full finish. Now that is ridiculous.  

 Number 3 at 22 weeks 1 day

 Sweet little Audrey with her apple and big girl hair.

 Just like her brother she loves being thrown in the air.

 At the zoo for Weston's 3rd birthday. I bought a zoo pass with the kids birthday and Christmas money.

 After seeing Daddy throw Audrey, Weston wanted his turn. It was a bit more difficult!

Our future soccer player.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What a Stinker

Last night we had another scare with little Miss Audrey. For the last few days, both kids have had runny noses. Yesterday, Audrey developed a fever that rose quickly. Around 1:30, her fever was 102.5, so I gave her some motrin. She took a very short nap and then was up and playing until 4 when she got real cranky again. I put her down for a nap and proceeded putting together Weston's new bunk beds. I decided it was best to wake her around 5:15. When
I got close to her door, I could hear her making noises. I opened the door thinking she was awake and found her lying on her side groaning with each breath, eyes shut, and her head lying in a pool of spit. I picked her up and she was shivering and starting whining/crying. She was completely limp in my arms. I rushed her downstairs to take her temp and it was around 103.
Audrey was just lying in my arms and couldn't keep her eyes open. I would try to get her aroused and she would just look at me briefly and then her eyes would roll in the back of her head or just start moving side to side. I figured she had just had a seizure. After calling Chad, my mom and the doctor (once I figured out they had extended hours) we all decided it was best for her to go to the hospital since she wasn't recovering quickly from the seizure. The doctor even thought she was still seizing because they could hear her rhythmic moaning in the background and they recommended that I call the squad. I however, knew by the looks of her that she was just in post seizure activity and from previous experience knew the squad wouldn't be able to do anything since it was over.
I called Chad and told him I would pick him up at Kroger since he was there picking up more tylenol since all we had was motrin. Before leaving, I took her temp again and it had spiked to 106.5. At that point, I started to panic a little because the medicine was not working.
Off to the hospital we went. They watched her for a few hours and ran some tests-all of which came back negative. We were there until a little after 10 pm last night. She started feeling better while we were there because she had both motrin and tylenol on board. Her fever only went down 101. They just told me what I already knew-keep dosing her and watch for more seizures. They also advised that if she has another seizure that we should have her seen by a neurologist just to evaluate her since she has a "history" of seizure activity now.
It was a long night, but we are glad the little lady is doing better. She is still holding onto her fever, so hopefully that goes away soon.
This is going to be an expensive year medically...oh boy. Hopefully we won't be at the er anytime soon.

A few weeks ago, we took the kids to the Germantown Metropark for a hike one Sunday afternoon. Audrey didn't last the entire hike...Weston was a trooper though and actually walked a little bit at the end. He absolutely loves being outside.

Update on baby! I will be 19 weeks tomorrow. This pregnancy has flown by. I am a bit more uncomfortable this time around and have more pressure and cramping already-which has really "cramped" my running style. I actually have taken a short break from running, but still plan on doing the half in early May. I will finish it, even if I have to walk the whole thing.
We have our ultrasound next Friday, April 13. We will not be finding out the gender though unless #3 shows us on accident.
This picture of me is at 18 weeks 1 day.
Our house is coming along slowly. I have started working on the landscaping outside. It was, actually still is, absolutely horrendous! With the help of some friends and hard working children, a lot of the weeding is under control. Now I am just hoping to get the weed barrier down and plant some color. Spring came so quickly this year that it is just getting away from me.

Speaking of getting away from me, this precious boy
will be turning 3 April 8th, Easter Day. By the way, this picture was taken a few weeks ago at a an early birthday party thrown by Grammy and Papaw Clark. I cannot believe how fast time has gone. I can't believe he was every this tiny!

Happy birthday to my little boy. I love you more than you'll ever be able to know!