Friday, May 21, 2010

The Joys of Genes

First of all, I want to dedicate this post to my mother-the woman who has passed on to me many wonderful genes one of which is my teeth (grammer here? sounds wrong, but I think it may be right)
Here's some background-I have horrible teeth, thanks mom. I brush, floss and use mouthwash about twice a day. Some days I miss one of the steps, but for the most part, I try to keep this regimen up. Why? well, apparently for nothing. I have +/- 9 fillings. I don't understand this. Chad brushes-ONLY brushes-once a day, and that is if I remind/nag him too. How many fillings does chad have? ONE. and he swears there wasn't a cavity, but that the dentist just wanted to make some money that day.
Anyway, back in December, I had an appt with the dentist. I was supposed to get my x-rays then, but that was when I was pregnant, so I didn't get them.
At this appt, they did my x-rays and they found a deep deep cavity on a tooth that was already filled. Just great.
Monday was my appt to have it filled. Luckily the dentist knows me and numbed me up real well. He did have to numb me in the middle of the appt b/c of the depth of the cavity. I was shaking and all worked up throughout. When they were done, I felt such relief.
However, that night, my mouth began to hurt. The words of the dentist kept echoing in my ear-gravity is not in our favor. so much of the tooth was filled that my mom thinks i will have to have a root canal. AHHHH! those words freak me out...i am such a baby when it comes to the dentist. I would rather deliver a baby than go to the dentist.
Last night, my tooth began to ache after I flossed and a piece of the filling fell out-Oh no.After some ibuprofen, much relief and no issues this morning. Hopefully that is the way it stays.
Thank you mom-i will always attribute my mouth maladies to you-much love to the root canal queen.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

More waiting

The next couple weeks are going to be full of more waiting...
I can't wait to share with everybody what has been going on in our lives...but as soon as i'm allowed to unseal my lips-you will know it!
Now for what I'm allowed to talk about.
This weekend mom and I went to Indiana to visit the grandma's and the extended family that live in the area. It was very nice to be out there and see everybody. it would be nice to be able to go out more.
Weston really enjoyed the visit, but was so exhausted that he slept almost the whole 3.5 hour trip home.
Mom went in yesterday to get her port put in for the chemo treatments that will start on Friday. Please keep her in your prayers as she goes through these treatments for the next 6 months.
Well that is all for now :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A whole lotta...Nothing!

I'm not really one for blogging when nothing happens worth blogging about. But, I don't want everybody to go stir crazy waiting for an update on our unbelievably exciting life ;)
What's been going on? Nothing. So...
Without further adieu-here's what you came to see.