Monday, July 27, 2009

poo and the bmv

Chad and Weston are talking to each other-Weston is very excitable/squeally's so cute. Sometimes he sounds like a girl though...we'll have to watch that.
I went to the wonderful BMV today to renew my driver's license-that's right, I am now 25, goodbye youth :( - and I took Weston with me in the only vehicle available, the pickup. Please don't berate me. I turned the airbag off. I had to go and I really had no other options-we made it safe so don't worry.
During the half hour we were there, Weston decided it would be a good time to fill his drawers. I didn't hear anything but as I was holding him, I could smell it and all of you that have smelt it before know what I'm talking about. He doesn't have the nice newborn poo anymore, you know, the kind that doesn't have a scent. Nope, he's graduated to nasty smelly clay-consistency poo.
So as I'm standing there in close proximity to other people, i am just hoping it was a toot and nothing else, that way it would eventually go away. No luck, it got smellier and smellier the longer I stood there.
We got out of there without overhearing any comments-whew.
I love being a mommy-so many fun adventures!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A New Outfit

Yesterday, Weston and I went to the hospital to get him weighed and to show him off. After the hospital we were going to meet Grammy Clark for lunch and b/c she was going to give me some stuff that I had left at her house a few days ago. So, I packed an extra outfit for Weston for the few hours that we would be away from home, figuring that was all he would need...silly me. I always pack at least 2 extra outfits, I don't know what was going through my mind.

Anyway, on the way to the hospital and while there, Weston decided to puke all over his clothes to the point of being drenched and disgusting. Mom wouldn't let me redress him those clothes. So, i put him in another outfit. We got to the diner in Hilliard in about an hour and Weston was not going to be very patient about getting his lunch. I warmed his bottle and fed it to him. He ate almost the whole 1o oz without a break...oops. Grandma Clark took him to burp him and he immediately lost his lunch all over her!!! I should've known better the little stinker.

Throughout the entire lunch, Weston kept "sharing" his lunch with his grammy.

Needless to say, his clothes didn't fare much better than grammy's blouse and I didn't have anymore clothes for the little guy. So before we got back on 70 to head home, i stopped at target and picked up a cheap outfit. he needed some more clothes for later on anyway.

However, soon after we got home, Weston broke in those new clothes. 3 outfits in a matter of 4 hours...priceless.

here are pics for some smiles:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Myrtle Beach and Other News

It has been a very long time, once again and I apologize. I really have meant to update this thing but every time i think about it, it never happens. So I will now take the time while my little guy is napping, however long that may be.
Weston and I just returned from a nice week at Myrtle Beach with my family. Aside from the 12 hour drive, we had a great time. Ask anybody who has been stuck in a vehicle with a 3 month old for 12 or more hours and they will tell you it is no fun for anybody in the car.

We left Friday night/Saturday morning around midnight in order to drive most of the way while the kids slept. It was a good idea, but come morning, nobody was in a good mood. The last two hours of the drive-and most frustrating thanks to a faulty GPS-Weston pretty much screamed his heart out. His protest was heard by all in the Myrtle Beach area.
The drive home went much smoother with only about 20 minutes total of fussing. However, the worst part of the traveling was Weston's digestive schedule-if you know what i mean. He has been on a "weekly" schedule, meaning, he has blow outs all day long-once a week-and it just so happened that his once a week day occurred on the way there and on the way back resulting in a clean up of his carseat and his body during the trips. Oh what fun-especially when you are cleaning these kind of messes in the dark in a rest area somewhere in West Virginia. Oh boy :) I feel sorry for the person on bathroom duty that had to empty the trash-SMELLY!

During this week, Weston had a lot of interesting "firsts".
He got to "swim" in the ocean, "play" in the sand, and eat rice cereal.
Swimming in the ocean wasn't exactly his choice, but each day he enjoyed it more and more. That is until Grandpa Snyder took him a little too deep. As they were getting their pictures taken-which I will post when I get them-a few big waves hit and Weston did not appreciate the assault of salt water as the pictures will show.
Immediately after the pictures were taken, my dad gave me the screaming monster and i started nursing him to calm him down. He was traumatized, but everyone else was laughing histerically :) No worries though, Grandpa did earn his trust back later on in the week.
We did more swimming in the pool than we did the ocean and I dare say that Weston enjoyed the pool much more than he did the ocean, even though on the last day in the ocean, i got him to smile.
Much to our dismay though, the pool was closed for the last 3 days of our vacation-BOO. This resulted in a 2 hour search for a pool the saturday that we were leaving. We did end up finding the pool, but Weston was in blow-out mode, so he didn't have the pleasure of leaving floaties in the public pool.

As everyone knows, Weston has a bit of a purging problem. my lovely sister-in-law nicole told us that they gave AJ rice cereal to help with the issue and it worked. So I decided i was tired of the constant onslaught of soured milk and it was time to try something else since the Zantac didn't seem to be helping anymore. So we bought some organic rice cereal and gave weston his first real taste of solid foods-well, aside from the yogurt, chocolate, ice cream, whipped cream etc that he's had tastes of in the past :) I would never feed my child stuff like this at such an early age...ahem.

Anyway, he did a great job and I think he liked it. Aside from a face covered in cereal-he did great. Thanks to aunt Erin restraining him, all went pretty smooth.
Weston got to meet his cousins AJ and Elise this past week for the first time. Everybody got along and aside from one squashing attempt by Elise, there were no mishaps :)

Some milestones that Weston has reached in the past couple months are as follows-laughing out loud-sometime in the second month, rolling over from belly to back-around 2 1/2 months, talking a lot-i have no idea when-what a bad mommy, reaching and grabbing things-around 2 months. I can't remember any others right now, but when i do, i will post them.

Weston will be 4 months old-ALREADY!!-on August 8th. he is getting so big so fast it makes me sad.

Now for news on the job front for chad. He started at a job in St. Paris, ohio 3 weeks ago and is doing well. he is happy there for now. There may be another job opportunity in the future, but we're not sure. We are living with my parents for now during the week and we are traveling on the weekends. Hopefully our house sells soon so we don't have that burden anymore.

So if anyone is looking for a house in the Northwest Ohio area, we have a beauty that you may be interested in :)
That is all for now :) it only took 3 hours to get this post done-so i am done-whew