Monday, February 27, 2012

14 weeks

On Thursday, I will officially be in my second trimester. I am somewhat relieved to finally make it out of the "scary phase" of this pregnancy. I had my appointment today and the baby's heart rate was holding steady at 156 and it sounded good. I am still hungry beyond belief, but i have only gained 8 lbs. Hurray!
I have the go ahead to keep training/running as long as my body says it's okay. I'm going to try and keep running, but I am already noticing the uncomfortableness of the tendons and muscles stretching as this baby is growing and my belly is expanding.
This pic is 12 weeks, 2 weeks behind, but there really isn't much of a difference. I am going to try and keep on top of this pregnancy as far as tracking it and documenting. Hopefully I'll hold true to my word! As for right now, a little girl has been talking and whining in her room for the past 20 or so minutes, guess I better go get her!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wake-up Photoshoot

Most mornings and after nap times Audrey is very happy to see us walk into her room. She demonstrates her giddiness by jumping up and down, wrinkling her nose, laughing and breathing fast. It is hilarious to see her to excited. Of course, prior to all this excitement, sh
e cries and cries until we come up to her room. We decided on Sunday to get a little photoshoot of our princess in her natural environment...
She likes to play peek-a-boo between the railings during this time...
Now look up! I love when she pears over at me like this.
After the fun and games, she is ready to get out and starts getting serious and bit cranky.
Weston on the other hand, doesn't wake up so jolly. He normally is whining and yelling for us to come get him or if we have to wake him up, he doesn't smile for quite some time.
However, when he saw Daddy with the camera, he cheesed it up.

Pink sunglasses you might ask...why yes. When all his are broken, he has to wear his sisters. He's not afraid to wear pink...but I don't think Daddy quite approves! lol

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

My kids are giving me a Valentines to remember, full of crying, screaming, snot and tears! I really hope this is not a precursor to the rest of the day ;)
Our life never seems to slow down, we always have something going on. At this time in our lives, we have a few big things happening. Chad is getting the floor done in the downstairs. The living room has one more row to go in and then it is onto the dining room! I cannot wait for it to be completed. I don't know why I think that will make a difference, because then it will be onto laying tile in the kitchen and foyer. Never ending.
Also on the news front, our 3rd, which I am sure you've already heard about through various modes of communication is due on August 30th. I am about 12 weeks along and feel terrible. I don't think I've felt like this with either of the babes in the household. I have been eating non-stop and am still hungry most of the time. We are very excited but very nervous for this one to come. And by we, I mean, ME. Chad just flows with it, nothing really seems to effect him.
I am nervous because I don't know how I will be able to handle 3 children. I was very confident about this fact a few months ago until I got pregnant and the reality set it. Audrey and Weston immediately started having rough nights and I was exhausted. I almost lost it a few times feeling that if I couldn't handle the sleep deprivation with 2, how can I handle it with 3? Was I crazy to upset our neat little life? Why would I intentionally add more chaos to our world? God has a plan I suppose and I know that he will give me the strength to deal with it all-at
least that's what I am telling myself!
To top it off, I am continuing the insanity by running in a half marathon on May 5th or 6th. I intentionally signed myself up thinking that this would give me the motivation to keep running through most of my pregnancy. I'm embarrassed to say that I have not kept up on my training and that I have only been out a few times in the last couple weeks. I am hoping to get out more once the weather starts cooperating.
One thing that I am trying to get a handle on in all of this chaos is our eating habits. Chad and I have seen some documentaries and I have been to a few talks basically on the "eating revolution" as some are calling it. I am trying to add in more fruits and vegetables to our diet while minimizing animal and processed products. We are by no means vegetarian or dare I say vegan, but I want us to have healthier bodies and that come
s through whole foods and less processed junk that is full of stuff I can't even pronounce. To show you I am not completely crazy and that the kids will eat it, last night I made walnut wonton ravioli with a side salad topped with a little bit of chicken. Then this morning for breakfast, I made buckwheat blueberry muffins and the kids devoured them! We liked them too ;)
We are also trying to buy organic or local when we can. I have heard some disturbing facts about the chemical residue buildup in our children's bodies from eating traditionally grown foods. We aren't completely organic (VERY expensive on some things) but I am trying to buy the most critical components when possible, fruits, veggies and dairy. If we have money left over, I will consider meat, but that is very pricey. Thank God for Chad's hunting! The good thing with our diet though is that we aren't consuming nearly as much meat. If you look in our fridge, it is stockpiled with veggies and fruits and it makes me feel good!
One more thing-Audrey turned 1 on Feb. 1st. How could I forget that piece of news. My little baby is growing up!

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day!