Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Past Year in Review

I started this post on it's Friday. Where has the time gone!

Our little family took a trip up to St. Joseph, MI last weekend. Weston had a great time playing on the beach there...even though it was really tough for him to walk. In fact, it was impossible for him to walk in the sand. He just kept falling over. It was truly fun and precious to watch him experience sand for the first time (well, aside from when he was 3 months old when we went to myrtle beach-that doesn't really count though b/c he didn't really care much for the whole thing).
After many attempts at walking, he decided it was best if he just sat there. So he sat and stared at the little boys throwing sand at each other. I made sure to let him know this was not appropriate behaviour and that if he decides to partake in such behaviours, mommy will make the sand extinct...that's what we tell him about everything-if he plays more with his toy tirger instead of eating, then the tiger will go extinct (we take it away) but you get the point. All of his toys at one point or another have or will have gone extinct or are endangered.

This year has been one of many trials and a lot of fear/anxiety.
Last March/April, Chad lost his job.
Hard core remodeling of the house starts seeing as we couldn't afford it on unemployment.
April 8th-After 26 hours of exhausting labor, our precious boy was born by emergency c-section. We were told he might have to be taken to a hospital in Toledo if he didn't straighten up. He got his act together and I got to hold him 4 hours later.
May/June-Chad gets hired on at KTH. We live half of our time in Bryan and the other half in New Carlisle until October.
July-Our house goes on the Market.
October-Our house sells-all of our stuff gets moved to storage-where it still sits.
November-We find out we are expecting.
December/January-we tell the news of our pregnancy.
January 12-I had a miscarriage.
April-Mom gets diagnosed with breast cancer, has a bi-lateral masectomy, and awaits news of further treatment.
Busy busy-Not to mention all of the travelling we have been doing.
What a busy year. And all of this was mixed in with our day to day lives and holidays and family gatherings. If God would have told me we were going to go through everything that we did this year-I wouldn't have believed him. In fact, I wouldn't have believed that we would make it through and be stronger and closer than we were at the beginning of it all. This could rip a family a part. Thankfully we made it!
Well, i ought to A. either get lunch or B. Go mow whilst little one sleeps.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday my Sweet Baby Boy!

Ok, so this is a little delayed...but, never-the-less, Happy 1st Birthday Weston! You're birthday was actually almost 2 weeks ago! I can't believe how fast this past year has flown by. It makes me so sad. I have been looking through your pictures from when you were just a little guy. Do you remember this day? I do. I remember just like it was yesterday. Everyday I feel so blessed that God decided to give you to us-even when you are a big fat crankypants monster! You were such a ladies man!In fact, you still are! You are walking like a big boy-barely ever crawling. You are saying new words each day. Your vocabulary includes but is not limited to: mama, daddy, doggie (these two are confused sometimes :) ) here, all done, want mama and shoe. You help us dress you and you fight us when we change your diaper...for some reason you still don't like that. you absolutely love to be outside. You fall ALL THE TIME and have a consistent bruise on your head from such falls. You've taken a tumble down the stairs, but you still don't fear them. You love your puppy greta and she lets you climb all over her. At your doctors appointment, you measured in at 32" and weighed in at 21 lbs and 12.5 ounces. You are in the 95th percentile for height and 40th for weight-skinny and lean like your daddy. We love you so much my handsome little boy! Eat your cake little guy, you deserve it! Happy Birthday-we pray for many more to come!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Just to keep our little guy happy in the car, I did not feed him half of a chocolate bunny while he was not wearing his very cute easter outfit with a white shirt. I would not dare let him drool chocolate spit all over his clothes!

This weekend while staying out in the middle of nowhere in a circa late 1800's cabin, while carrying weston in the backpack, my husband did not proceed to walk weston's head straight into the limb of a tree-he is way too careful to do that.

We decided to take a bike ride along the Ohio River in Marietta this while in the area. On said trip I did not take my son's nasty poopy diaper and dump the more solid part in a trash can (there were no restrooms nearby!) and then after checking to see if anybody was looking proceed to rinse it out in the Ohio River, not me, I wouldn't dare contaminate that crystal clear water with little Weston feces, NOT ME! Oh the joy of cloth diapers!

Go on and admit some of your embarrassing moments!