Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the bird

I forgot to tell you what kind of bird that was in the previous post found here
Did you know? Believe it or not, it is a bald eagle! there were actually 2 of them flying overhead in Oak Harbor but by the time I got my camera out, there was only one. Absolutely amazing!
Here's a cropped view:

And My Heart Skipped a Beat

We've had a lot going on lately some of which have challenged us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Some may believe that this is TMI so it's a good thing that it doesn't bother me...well, it may if somebody says something to me, but as long as I don't hear it, I don't care!
Before I go to far for those who are interested in the meaning of the title, I'll explain it a little later.
It has been 11 or 12 weeks since our miscarriage. I had my first monthly visitor in February-how exciting right! We could start trying to concieve (TTC) again! So, after much waiting, I started testing in March 5 days before I should have started. Negative. First day of missed period-Negative. 3 Days after-Negative. 1 WEEK after-Negative. I am now going on 2 weeks when I should have started and its getting hard-really hard. Some days I feel like I am experiencing the miscarriage all over again. We (I) pray often for God to bless us with another child, but we have yet to hear a "Yes".
I thought that with as easy as it was to concieve Weston and the baby we lost, we would have no issues TTC with the next. I don't have answers to any of the Why's that have been popping up in my head. We just have to keep relying on God and trusting that his timing is perfect, his ways are perfect. We like to think we know best, but that just isn't true and sometimes that truth hurts.
There is another big decision that we are trusting God with. It has been an emotionally taxing process. Chad and I have been back and forth on this decision weighing the pro's and con's of it. I will share when the time is appropriate though, sorry about keeping you out in the cold!
Lastly for this post and the explanation of the title, I started babysitting 2 children yesterday. The little girl is 9 months old and the boy is 2 1/2 years old. I will be watching them every Tuesday for the next 8 weeks. I watch them at their house so it is easier on them. Anyway, yesterday went really well except for one incident-not involving their children but my own. I had Weston by his hand and the 9 month old on my hip. We were getting ready to go down stairs to the living room. I'm sure you've already figured out what happened next...Weston decides to pull his hand down and he tumbled ALL THE WAY DOWN the whole flight of stairs and landed on the linoleum at the bottom. Luckily he rolled down and didn't go head over heels. I uttered and explitive and shot down the stairs, but the baby down and picked up my thankfully wailing son. My heart stopped as I watched him in slow motion bumping, thumping and banging down the stairs. While in shock I check him over and called my mom. I was in tears as she walked me through what to check on him. What scared me most was that after he quit crying he started drifting off to sleep in my lap as he was sitting up right. Granted he was tired beforehand, but this was so terrifying. I checked on him often and thank God in Heaven he was ok. He doesn't even have a bruise or a bump. That was one of the worst and most emotionally exhausting moment in my life (after his birth of course :) )
so now to lighten the mood of this post, Weston got his first haircut and he now looks like a little boy now. He did not enjoy the haircut AT ALL. His daddy was the barber...

Weston also fancies laying on the dog bed and reading, gross I know, I hate reading too! ha...kidding:

Monday, March 22, 2010

Back from Washington State

Chad and I just returned from our trip to WA Saturday evening. What a whirlwind trip...but oh how beautiful and fun! We had some time to go hiking and see the sights around the Oak Harbor area. I thought it was beautiful...what about you? Can you tell what kind of bird is flying overhead in the first picture?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hope you enjoy these photo's as much as we enjoyed visiting the park last night!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


ok...i don't really know how to spell it like he says it, but I'm pretty sure Weston's first word is "doggy". I know, how sad should be mommy or daddy, no, it's doggy. Come on kid! I first heard this one when Weston was standing at the door looking outside at the dogs and all of the sudden he squeals, "Dahgee!"
I know that he has looked at both chad and I and said deliberately, "Mama or mommy and dada or daddy." but he also looks at other things or just randomly says those words.
I guess that means I don't really know what his first word was. Grandma Snyder swears he said "here" when he handed her something.
Officially then, I'm going to say that Weston has a few first words, we're not going to narrow it down...even though it was obvious he was saying doggy. silly boy.

This thursday Chad and I will be leaving weston for 3 days. I am so nervous and scared to leave him for that long. I haven't even left him overnight. This is going to be difficult b/c I love putting my little guy to bed and waking him in the morning. It is a time that Chad and I both cherish, putting him to bed that is :). We take that time as a family to read and cuddle and just spend some quiet time together.
I am also weaning him completely. The bedtime feeding is the hardest to give up. I just pray that we will be strong through this. I also pray that Weston will transition well.
My little boy is growing up faster than I could have ever imagined.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Please Pray

Please be praying for the family of Layla Grace,
Read their story here:

My blog is fixed!

My blog was being hijacked-kind of, but it is now fixed! Hurray!!!! I went to the help forum, and posted a question about this. Everytime somebody tried to access my blog, they were redirected to another site. Well, the problem was my real-time counter gadget that I added a few months ago. So if you are having issues with your blogs being redirected to another site, remove your most recently added gadget.
Anyway, you can read my posts now without being taken to a different site.
Aside from fixing my blog today, I have accomplished...well, not much :) Laundry, working out, fixing breakfast and lunch for little guy, showering-ok, that is a lot for me! This is especially true when I am working on one project and find this in the kitchen...

Aside from playing in the kitchen cabinets, Weston has been fascinated with his toy that he got at christmas from Gma and Gpa Snyder-unfortunately, it plays music really loud and he has learned how to turn the music on...oh boy...

And when we are not playing but eating, Weston entertains himself by feeding the dog from the highchair when mommy and daddy aren't looking. And when we are looking, the dog takes the liberty of feeding himself from the food that Weston drops, not on the floor, but in his chair....

How could i let the dog do this...well, it was funny and it kept me from having one more chore :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I love the weather! the snow is melting and the sun is shining! I feel like I'm in paradise...ok, not really, but I am so excited that the weather is turning from nasty snow, wind, grossness to wonderful sunny warm spring!
We get to play outside without layers and worry of frostbite. The only downside is the mud, but i'll take the mud over the alternative.
Spring also brings about other celebrations in the clark/snyder household, such celebrations as Weston's 1 year birthday!

I know, it can't be, but it is. Weston will be 1 in one month. I can't believe he is going to be turning one in a few more weeks. It makes my heart so glad, but also, I am very emotional about this time because he is no longer my baby, he is my little boy who is walking, throwing, solid-food eating, milkshake-weaning, almost talking and tantrum throwing sweet heart. How can he be growing up so fast :(
I love you my little man, even when you drive me crazy :)
So what are we doing for the big birthday bash? Well, we were thinking of travelling to an exotic destination and flying all our friends and family to join us on our private jet. Unfortunately, the jet is having some mechanical issues, so we have decided to stay home and enjoy some cake and ice cream-perhaps an ice cream cake from dairy queen...mmmmm.
I still don't know what to get my little man for his big day. Chad wants to just get a bunch of card board boxes, which in all reality would be just fine because weston really enjoys playing in them, however, I can't bring myself to that. What will happen when Weston is getting pictures around for his graduation party in 17 years. (ok, i'll be doing this, but just for the sake of argument...) He will notice that mom and dad were too cheap to buy him real presents and instead they opted to go to wal-mart and retrieve all of their free boxes.
Needless to say, i am going to get something for my darling...but I just need to figure out what. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fun Fun Fun

As I am sitting here-originally catching up on family/friend blogs, I am laughing at my son-but i must preface this before going on so you will understand. I don't want people to think i'm a messy person :)
I decided to wash the diaper bag yesterday b/c it was DISgusting. it hasn't been washed EVER. and trust me, if you have a diaper bag and child and/or children, then you know how disgusting these bags can get. Anyway, I emptied the bag onto the couch and thought I was being so smart to organize everything so i could put it right back in the bag after it dried. HA.
Now, onto the story of why I am laughing which I am sure you have already figured it out. Weston is so gently (NOT) pulling things off the couch and throwing them behind him. It is hilarious b/c he looks at me and laughs almost after every thing that he throws off the couch. And now, he is chewing on a plastic spoon that he found-still in the wraper from Wendy's. He is absolutely adorable. And now the chapstick has caught his attention. I absolutely love love love my little guy, even when he's a stinker! He is just too fun! if i had my camera by me, i would take a pic for you, but then he would get distracted and stop being so cute...ok, he would still be cute, but he wouldn't stay where he is.
Another thing, he's getting 2 more teeth-making a total of 6. OUCH
Last but not least-do you remember the post I wrote about the little guy not sleeping? well, we had some trying nights, and now the little guy is sleeping again without me. Sleeping so well in fact that he fell asleep last night in grandpa's arms around 7-Bedtime isn't until 8. So I went ahead and took him downstairs and put him to bed without his milkshake and guess what time he slept til? 9:30. That's right...14 straight hours of hard core sleeping. What a good little boy. Have i mentioned how much i love the little guy who is now standing right beside me grinning and spitting and growling?