So we have some not so good news that is in no part an April Fool's joke. I hate having to write this on a day when we are supposed to have some much joy coming into our lives, but here it goes:
Chad was layed off yesterday from work. He came and picked me up from work around noon to let me know. As you all know, i was planning on staying at home with our son, but we don't know what the future holds now.
I turned in my resignation from work a while ago, but i have said something about possibly coming back after maternity leave if they would have work for me, but I haven't heard anything. Chad's employer has given the people they layed off a severance package that should hold us over for a couple months. The reason for the lay off is that they are slowly closing the bryan location.
in any case, this has come as a real shock and swift punch to the gut. We don't know what God has in store for us or why he chose to have this happen at this time, but we are trying really hard to know that he is in control and knows the plans he has for us.
We have been praying-not very consistently though-about moving closer to our parents for a while now. We are thinking maybe this is God saying that we need to start acting on that thought instead of just thinking about it.
Our thoughts right now are that we will probably be putting our house on the market soon. Chad is going to apply for some jobs in the Dayton/Columbus area in hopes that something is available and he will not be jobless for too long. If he gets a job down there in the near future before we sell our house, we will move down there while still trying to sell our house. Or if our house sells, we will move down there unless i am working up here.
I am due today, but there is no sign of the little guy coming. If he would come soon, we would really love that. We could use some joy in our lives right now. The good in this is that Chad will be able to spend more time with his son now.
i'm sorry you guys are finding out this way, but i dont think i could call everybody and go through this every time. it is hard enough writing this as i am crying the entire time hoping nobody at work notices.
please just keep us in your prayers.
annie kate
6 years ago
1 comment: could move to Lynchburg to be close to your sister! ;-)
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