I had to get up to go to the bathroom and I had a gut feeling I was writing my death sentence as I walked to the bathroom. You see, we can't use our master bath yet, b/c it is currently being used as construction storage. Hopefully that will be remedied this week. Anyway, my lovely child definitely heard me. I knew she did but I still tried to sneak back into our room and to bed. No luck. Crying commenced-11:30 p.m. I let her cry for about 15 minutes and go in to check her diaper, clean. I took her to our room to rock her and she just gets mad, so I tried to let her know that was unacceptable, she sobs. We get up, go back to her room and I walk her then lay her down, she screams-12 a.m. She continues screaming. I go back in around 12:10 lay her down repeatedly as she sits up and screams horribly. I finally pick her up and try to lay with her in the guest bed after throwing off all the 18 month clothes I had neatly organized to put away (they are now in a big pile, not organized). She continues screaming. 12:45 rolls around and I finally figure out she is thirsty.
Why didn't I pick up on this immediately. The entire time her eyes would be heavy but she would be making these snapping sounds with her mouth and lips and get upset. I got her bottle, filled it up, she downs it. Fill it up again, lay her in her crib and she drinks happily. I finally went to bed around 1 a.m. She didn't wake up until 7:15. I think I've figured out why she's not sleeping well...she's a thirsty girl! I'll just have to make sure she's drinking enough during the day b/c I don't want her downing water at night and wetting through her diapers all the time.
Now the other little one in the household we have yet to figure out his deal. 2 times this week he has woken up and says, " I want you!" Now we don't have our kids in our bed often...I don't sleep well and neither do they, but we have let him in our bed both times-bad move. Today we laid him down for nap, and it took almost 2 hours of screaming and 2 spankings before he fell asleep.
I am exhausted. These kids are ganging up on us. Hopefully we've got the little girl figured out, as far as the boy goes...no idea. We'll have to figure that out soon.
Chad and I are doing well aside from being tired. We are still working on the house-obviously from the master bath issue. But we are getting there. I am deciding if I want to run 2 half marathons this spring. No fulls for me this year ;) Now I just need to get out and run/exercise!