Sorry this has taken so long to post, but without further adieu I introduce to you little Miss Audrey Sue Clark born February 1st, 2011 at 8:44 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds 15.2 ounces and she was 20 inches long.

Audrey was born by c-section. They thought she was going to be big which she would have been about 9 pounds if I would have carried her as long as I carried Weston-which I more than likely would have :) Everything went well and I am so happy we are both healthy and that I am recovering well. I'm just a little sore yet.
Weston is doing well with his little sister. His little nose is just starting to get out of joint with the aspect of sharing mommy and daddy. I think however, that he will soon adjust well. Unfortunately though, Weston has come down with a bug and has been running a high fever all day, so hopefully little Audrey won't get it.

So there you go, that is enough for tonight b/c I am tired since we didn't get a lot of sleep last night b/c of Weston not the new born-funny eh?