That's right, you might as well get used to me not posting very much...I just don't have the ambition, longing, whatever you call it to get on here and update. I do try, but when I get on, I find very little to talk about. I guess that comes as no surprise to those of you who know me well...I'm not a great conversationalist and that has obviously carried over into my blog. My sincerest apologies for those that rely on this blog for updates!
Anyway, we have had a very busy past month with traveling and what not. And, it's not going to end until January rolls around.We were able to go to Indiana for Thanksgiving to visit my extended family, some of whom I haven't seen for at least a year or two.
Below, My cousin Kelly playing with the kids...The cousins did an awesome job playing/entertaining the little ones this year...don't know what I would have done without them!
Uncle Josh playing with Weston
Grandpa teaching Weston how to handle a firearm...It's never too early
It was great hanging out and catching up while enjoying great food, and believe you me, there was a lot of it! Unfortunately, the trip ended with all of us getting a nasty stomach bug that we brought back to Ohio. Weston was lucky enough only to get a minor bit of it, but the rest of us were feeling pretty terrible. But it has passed now and we are on to bigger and better things-such as...SNOW!
It has snowed a few inches here and Weston has loved playing in it! The downside of this snow is that it brought VERY cold weather with it. Yesterday, the windchill had us in the we didn't get to play in it yesterday. But today, we spent about 45 minutes out there running around the yard.
On Sunday, Weston had his first Santa encounter of the year. It went much better than I anticipated. He didn't cry or scream this year when he sat in Santa's lap. He wasn't a huge fan, but at least we got a picture without tears!
Last week, Weston had his 18 month well-child checkup (even though he is 20 months...oops). He is still ranking in the 95% for height at a whopping 34.5". He has dropped to the 35% for weight though at 24 lbs. His cousin Elijah who is 12 months weighs just as much as him and probably soon will overtake him, pretty hilarious if you ask me! Since he is such a horrible eater, the practitioner that we saw recommended I put him on Carnation Instant Breakfast one time a day as a supplement to his diet as well as a multivitamin...just so our bases are covered. She also told me to start spreading a little bit of butter or such on crackers and other snacks that he has to add a little more fat to his diet...seeing that 3 glasses of vitamin D milk doesn't provide enough-good grief! Fortunately, Weston loves the Carnation chocolate mix and his vitamins, so that won't be a struggle. Now just to get him to eat actual food...good luck right?
As for the weston 2.0-I had my 30 week checkup last week and all looks well. We had an ultrasound to check the location of the placenta-which is fine. However, what they could tell on the ultrasound is that this child is on target to be as big or bigger than Weston 1.0. The ultrasound tech said that if they think size is going to be an issue since we are going to try for a VBAC, then they may do another late ultrasound to see just how big 2.0 is. Please pray that we'll be able to deliver naturally instead of another c-section.