Well, it just seems that our little guy should be renamed to Cranky Pants b/c that is what he's been called more often than not. This little man has been getting his top teeth for the past few weeks and they just don't want to break through. His poor little gums were bleeding yesterday, so I'm really hoping that the those stinkin teeth will come in and that the pain will cease and desist. Not only is it hard on him, but he is wearing me out. Now how can a cutie like this wear me out?
Well, for starters, he's being awfully whiney (sp?). He's not eating well, so that makes dinner time fun for everybody as he cries and swats at the spoon. However, yogurt, ice cream, and cookies don't seem to bother him as much. I guess that the pain is worth those sweet treats. The most exhausting thing is his attachment to ME. I haven't been able to leave him in nurseries without issues. Last week, we visited Chad's brother's church and I dropped Weston in the nursery. I had to use the ladies room towards the end of the service. So as I am on my way to the bathroom, I can hear my son crying, LOUDLY. I keep walking and am just hoping that by the time I am done, he will be too. I take my time in the bathroom and as I'm leaving, silence...nice. Oh wait, nope that's my son screaming. I walk in and they tell me that he's been crying off and on the whole time and nothing will soothe him.
Fastforward a half hour. We are talking to friends and family after the service and I pass Weston off to his daddy-BWAAAAAHHHH! Great. I get the cry baby back. Somebody else takes him-BWAAAAAHHHH! Needless to say, mommy held on to the babe almost the entire day.
Today was even better. I recently started going to a mom's group at a church in Tipp. Well, they have daycare for us during that time. Last week was Weston's first time. He did ok. They said that he cried a lot, but they were able to comfort him. Today, I dropped him off and not 20 minutes later I am told I need to go get him b/c he is inconsolable. I walk in there and he sees me with his puffy, tear and snot smeared face and starts screaming. I had to hold him the entire time. If I even put him down, he would scream.
Is all of this b/c of the teething-probably not, but I'm sure that some of it is. I do have to say though, it makes me feel special when my son only wants me but it is also exhausting. I really look forward to chad coming home on days like these.Weston loves his daddy.
I want to say thanks to those of you who lifted us up in prayer these past weeks. We are doing much better. We are healing and we are also trusting God.
I had a friend tell me that he didn't know how to pray for us but that he just told God that he would "sit in the mud" with us. Those words were so encouraging. I hope that we will remember that and then when we have an opportunity to, we will "sit in the mud" with our friends who need us there with them.
annie kate
6 years ago