Monday, December 14, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Ready for a good laugh? I'm up for being the cause of your belly laughs, even if it causes me a little bit of embarrassment and humiliation!
Curtesy of where you'll find even more hilarious shameless bloggers:

I did not give my son of 8 months an '88 Buick grill and a shower curtain rod to play with on the back porch while his daddy and I sanded drum brakes-I would never do something so white trash as that.

I also did not let him play outdoors without a coat on in December, what kind of a mother would I be? That certainly isn't something I would do!

After hitting himself in the head with a toy or falling over like a log for no reason I do not start laughing histerically as my little crankypants started screaming uncontrollably-not me! (he only does this about a dozen times a day!)

My loving and thoughtful husband does not keep "bumping" Weston's head into door frames, ceilings, shelving etc while carrying him on his shoulders...not him! he would be more careful than that.

I am currently not ignoring Weston's cry's for help in the bathroom while daddy bathes him just so i can finish a post-

If you've enjoyed this, please head over to mcmama'a website and join the fun!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Still Sick

Well, mr crankypants is over his ear infection, but he now possibly has the roseola virus. This causes him to have unexplained high fevers for a few days and then after the fever is gone, he will supposedly develop a body wide rash for a day or so. We will know for sure that it is roseola if the rash appears.
Weston is dealing really well with the high fevers. He started this Wednesday evening with a temp of 101.1. We gave him some tylenol and then he woke up with a 102.2 fever Thursday morning. I called the doc and they had me bring him in at 11. I had just scheduled a dentist appt at 12:10-so, my schedule was once again put on hold. My dentist was amazing though. They sympathized with me and rearranged my appt so I could still come in on Thursday.
So, back to Weston. We got to the doc and they took his temp and it was 103.8!!! to top that off, it was after I gave him tylenol 2 hours before. That made me so nervous. They did a CBC and it showed that his white count was low-which is very good b/c it meant that he just had a virus, but they didn't know what kind of virus. The doc said that her crystal ball was telling her that it was that's what he was diagnosed with.
I stopped by the store afterwards and picked up some motrin and more tylenol so I could start him on the rotation to keep the fever under control. However, it doesn't seem to be doing much. All day yesterday we were fighting the 103 degree fever.
Last night, Weston woke me at 2am crying. I took him upstairs and found that his fever had spiked to 104.8...scary! I ended up giving him motrin and tylenol b/c both had worn off. We hung out on the chair upstairs for an hour until I knew that his fever was starting to go down.
Thankfully this morning, his fever was only 101.4. I think we are finally progressing. My poor little guy is exhausted and has no appetite. He will only eat/drink liquids. he has no interest in eating solids.
I miss my healthy boy!
On a happier note...We are less than 2 weeks away from our CO vacation!

Jealous yet?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Not Feelin so Hot...

My poor little man has a double ear infection :(
The past two or so days, Weston has been quite the cranky little guy-unusually cranky that is :) Today we started to pay a little more attention to him. I thought he was just being a little squirt.
I kept saying (as did the other's in the household), "Who took my son? This is not my little boy. He has been stolen and replaced with the devil's spawn!"
My mom suggested that we take him to the urgent care here in VA and I did agree seeing that we would be driving through the mountains to get home on Tuesday and that would NOT be fun with the changing pressures and a screaming baby in pain in the backseat.
So, we went to urgent care and after waiting about an hour in the exam room for the doc to come in, we learned the source behind his cranky-pantedness (word?)
Boy do i feel like a big jerk!
He is on an antibiotic now for the next 7 days...hopefully he'll be all better and ready to have fun in CO when we go.
poor mr. cranky pants.

Friday, December 4, 2009

In Virginia

Well, It's been a busy time around here in VA.
After 8.5 hours in the car with Weston and my folks, we arrived at Erin and Tony's. I was so very happy to be out of the car, but not b/c of weston-he was an absolutely incredible little guy the whole way. No crying at all! No, I was ready to be out of the car b/c well, we had been in it for so long-who wouldn't be ready to be off of their numb bum.
Erin didn't have little mr Elijah until Sunday-We were a little disappointed at the delay, but we did enjoy the few days together before his arrival.
Before I go on-Mr Parker was born at 10:32 am after 4 or 5 hours of labor. He weighed in at 7lbs 4.9oz and was 20.5" long.
He looks exactly like his daddy :)

While being here, Weston and Hailey got to play together and bathe together. This was so much easier than bathing them one at a time! They really enjoyed splashing and making a huge mess.

Boy did they have a great time!
Aside from cleaning and babysitting, I haven't been doing much, but that has been enough! My body is not taking kindly to all the travel and activity. I went to bed last night early not feeling too hot and woke up this morning the same way. The cold bug has struck. Hopefully I'll start feeling better so I can enjoy the last few days here in VA.
I haven't been too motivated to post with all of the hopefully that will change when we get back home.
We leave for our CO trip in about 3 please pray for snow b/c it isn't looking too good right now.'s the West in the Mountains for goodness sake...PLEASE SNOW!!