Thursday, October 22, 2009

My apologies!

So i have neglected my blog lately-shame on me! Actually, I've been trying to lessen the time that I spend watching TV and being on the internet in order to get things done and play with my son. It is going well, but it is so hard!
I promise I will try and do a the "not me monday" come Monday. I have a few goodies stored up for that post!
Anyway, we've had a lot going on the past few weeks. First and foremost we are no longer home-owners :(. I am excited to have that burden lifted off of our shoulders, but sad that our first home no longer belongs to us. All the hard work we put into it is now at somebody else's disposal. However, with Chad's job change and pay cut, the burden of that high of a mortgage was a little overwhelming.
We closed on the house last Tuesday in Toledo. After the closing we had a celebratory dinner at Olive Garden-compliments of We didn't pay a dime for it-which made it even sweeter!!
Weston had his 6 month appointment last week as well. Our little rascal now weighs 17 lbs 3 oz! What a skinny boy! He measured 26.5 inches long-but i think that they were wrong on that end b/c at his 4 month appointment he was 26 inches. Call me crazy, but seeing how many outfits the squirt has grown out of in the past two months-i can't believe he's only grown 1/2 inch.
well, no pics for now b/c i'm not on our we don't have them on here.
Time to check on my hopefully sleeping babe :) Lately he has just been laying in bed awake instead of sleeping.

Monday, October 5, 2009


It is time again to be shameless...

At a wedding this weekend, I did not allow my husband to let our 6 month old toothless babe suck on a frozen peach in which he did not "gum off" a chunk and proceed to not start choking on it. I most certainly did not tell my husband to reach in his throat and pull it out only to be bathed in peach vomit. I did not chuckle as my husband had to clean off said vomit and baby proceeded to reach for the peach again-he surely learned his lesson-NOT

I did not walk around church all day with carrot puke down the front of my WHITE fleece b/c being the responsible mother, I did not forget to pack another shirt to change into.

My husband and I never forget to dress our son appropriately for the weather. For instance, we did not take our son to church without socks on yesterday b/c we couldn't find any. So instead of socks, i did not just wrap a blanket around his feet until we got inside and then I did not put on his green and blue plaid shoes which did not match his green, orange, brown and red striped shirt and fitted khaki sweats that are tight at the ankle just so nobody would see he did not have socks on. Not Me!

Last but not least-
I did not forget that I packed up my precious babe's crib and took it to my parents house so that when we got to bryan I did not realize I had forgotten to pack the pack-n-play. My poor little Weston did not have to sleep on the floor on top of blankets surrounded by pillows so he did not roll under the bed and dressers.

so there you have it! What are you unashamed (well maybe...a bit ashamed) about and are daring to share with the world?