So I've decided to join this group of unashamed mom's and make light of the ridiculous things I have been doing lately.
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I have some catching up to here are some of the best that I can think of:
After returning home from church, my husband and I got out of the car and heard turkey's calling. I most certainly did not pick up my already cranky baby who was hungry and take him into the woods to see if we could find said turkeys. I did not start nursing him to keep him quiet so he wouldn't scare off the turkeys behind somebody's house for the next hour, not me!
I did not use my shirt or other clothing to wipe off spit up b/c I never forget spit rags.
To keep my 4 month old son quiet while watching one of my favorite stories, I did not feed him ice cream b/c that is not what a good mom does. Not Me!
I did not dress my son in the clothes below just so we could have blackmail when he is older-what kind of mother would i be!
After listening to my son scream in the backseat for a half hour, I did not climb into the back seat and I did not proceed to lean over him and let him nurse while he was still in his carseat. I would never do something so ridiculous!
i most certainly did not grab a newborn diaper and stuff it into my bra at night to soak up the torrents of milk gushing out b/c i couldn't find a breast pad-not me!
That's all for now, but not for good! What have you not been up to lately?