Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Me! Monday

So I've decided to join this group of unashamed mom's and make light of the ridiculous things I have been doing lately.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I have some catching up to here are some of the best that I can think of:

After returning home from church, my husband and I got out of the car and heard turkey's calling. I most certainly did not pick up my already cranky baby who was hungry and take him into the woods to see if we could find said turkeys. I did not start nursing him to keep him quiet so he wouldn't scare off the turkeys behind somebody's house for the next hour, not me!

I did not use my shirt or other clothing to wipe off spit up b/c I never forget spit rags.

To keep my 4 month old son quiet while watching one of my favorite stories, I did not feed him ice cream b/c that is not what a good mom does. Not Me!

I did not dress my son in the clothes below just so we could have blackmail when he is older-what kind of mother would i be!

After listening to my son scream in the backseat for a half hour, I did not climb into the back seat and I did not proceed to lean over him and let him nurse while he was still in his carseat. I would never do something so ridiculous!

i most certainly did not grab a newborn diaper and stuff it into my bra at night to soak up the torrents of milk gushing out b/c i couldn't find a breast pad-not me!

That's all for now, but not for good! What have you not been up to lately?

My Joy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

First Ride on the Bobcat!

Weston is a true Clark Boy! He had his initiation yesterday when he got to drive the Bobcat at Grammy and Grampa's house last night. The boy's decided not to let Grammy or myself know they were doing this until after all was said and done. Weston was in on it too-his first act of deception (even though he may not be aware of it...but i think this picture shows he kind of knew what was going on?)

I always knew it would come to this...oh what fun I have to look forward too...notice how no adult is near by in case the little one loses his balance...glad i was not out there!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our New Old Car

Here's a sneak peak of our new car:

Ours may be a little different. Also, ours is red, not white. I can't find many pic's online though.

What? Taxes were due in April?

I just filed our state taxes! you say..hmmm 4months late? correct, but that was not on purpose. I actually thought i filed our state taxes sometime in early march, however the federal government told me that i was sorely mistaken.
The whole fiasco started over a month ago when i received a letter from the IRS stating that we owed them 3,000! I about lost my cookies. In panic I called them and they said they would investigate the matter. Well, after over a month of investigating, they called us and told us we had filed twice-one with our original deduction amount and the other with the standard deduction. As soon as I heard that it clicked in my mind..."Holy Crap! i filled out the wrong form!" I informed chad by helpfully whispering in his ear as he was on the phone, "tell them we filed online for federal and sent the state in by mail-we must have sent in the wrong form!"
Chad, being as gracious as he can be talked to them and we got it figured out. The very nice lady on the phone said that we had to re-file our federal return in order to straighten the mess out b/c they used the second form as the "edited" return or whatever term was that she used.
The lady was very nice and said that she would fill it out for us and all we would have to do is sign the form :) They must not be very busy in the tax office right now if she is willing to fill out the tax form for us! but i am not going to complain.
So this morning, my task was to call the Ohio state tax dept and ask them what we needed to do. Luckily, all that was required was to file the state tax. We didn't owe anything-so there was no interest tacked on. To my dismay though, our return is significantly less than we thought-Instead of receiving 1400 from the state we are receiving a measly $13. But hey, that is $13 we didn't have before right? That will be a nice meal from Wendly's!
I am just glad that it is all figured out and that we don't owe the federal gov't $3000!
Boy do i feel like an idiot! I guess we won't do that again! Poor Chad, and to think he trusted me with it all-guess I got myself out of doing the taxes next year!
Well, we will be heading up to Indian Lake this I'm sure there will be cute pics of Weston next week!
He is squealing like a little girl right now-that is his thing...squealing as high-pitched as possible. It's cute right now, but i'm sure it wont be later on when his lungs get stronger!