Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sweet Potatoes and Carrots!

At about 4 1/2 months, my doc has recommended that we start weston on solids...well, at least that's what the paperwork they gave me said. So, I decided to follow their advice-He still breast feeds every 3 hours though-so don't worry :)

As my little man sleeps, i thought i would share some pics of him, but i dont have much time. I'm sure i'll hear his shrill scream in the next 15 minutes :) He doesn't wake up very happy after naps.

I gave him a bite of carrots as i was making them and he promptly made a disgusted face. He gave me the same face with his first bite of sweet potatoes. All i caught on camera was the "not sure about this mom" face...

In other news...he absolutely loves this toy will be a very sad day when we move out of grandma and grandpa snyders and we have to leave this toy behind

...the towel is there for puke protection...instead of being white puke, it is now orange-yay for solids! one day it will end and ironically, i will probably miss it b/c that will mean he is growing up...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

4 Months and Growing!

Weston had his 4 month appt last thursday. I decided to take Weston to an office in Huber where the doc's have rights at the Children's hospital in Dayton. As I was filling out the paperwork in the waiting room, my sweet little boy decided to leave evidence of his extracurricular activities on my shirt-which the doc got a kick out of :) We were called back quickly into the exam room where we were soon engulfed by a constant stream of nurses and doc's coming in to see the "new cute little baby boy with the spiked hair" :) The entire office got a kick out Weston-he had a great time too flirting with the nurses-what a ham.

The doc said that we don't need to worry about westons continuous flow of spit up since it doesn't seem to bother him. In which my thought was-it may not bother him, but what about me?! I go through as many shirts as he does if I want to avoid smelling like puke all day! Ok, that's not the complete much as I don't like smelling like sour milk and puke, I would rather dawn (sp?) that odor than to put medicine into my child that doesn't do any good for him.

Here are Weston's numbers if your interested: 14 lbs 14 oz - 50%; 26" - 80% Translation: long and skinny :) that's my boy!

Speaking of being long and skinny-Weston is now wearing 9-12 month clothes. I went out and bought him about 5 or 6 sleepers, all sizes 6-9 months. Come to find out-they didn't fit! I was less than happy about that! So all but 2 of the sleepers have been exchanged. One has been washed and the other just hasn't been dealt with.

In other news-we are now into 2 weeks of cloth diapers and I am loving it. We've had no leaks and no rashes! I love these diapers! Here's a pic of my new life of cloth diapers:

This past weekend we traveled to Pokagon State Park for the Snyder Family reunion. We had a good time eating food and speaking to relatives that I couldn't remember names of and some that I just plane couldn't remember! We got another picture of Weston and his cousin Landon though. Landon was born the day after Weston and was the same length and weight. Landon now is the same length as Weston but has him beat by 2 lbs!!!!

It took a while to grandma to look up and by the time we got it going landon wasn't very happy. Weston however, never quit staring and sucking on his fingers!

Weston Rolled over onto his tummy today! He has been rolling from tummy to back since he was about 2 1/2 months-more consistently since 3 months. So at just over 4 months he has accomplished the back to belly! Now we just need to accomplish walking...right! I'm not ready for that yet! Actually, i'm not ready for the rolling from back to belly seeing as how I was a little too trusting of the little guy yesterday. Mom called and had me call the butcher to put in her cut order for the side of beef she is getting (mmmmm). So, me being the airhead first time mom, left Weston on the couch on his back-all the way to the back of the couch. As I was talking to mom, I started walking back into the living room to check on the little guy and as I was about in there, I saw Weston in the reflection from the fireplace falling off the couch! I felt sooo horrible!! how could I do that and be so irresponsible!? My mom reassured me that most first time mom's do that-but i still felt horrible :( Weston is just fine though. He only cried for a minute or so and then he was back to his smiley self :)

One more thing before I quit on this post...Weston and I went to the Zoo with the clarks last friday-a day of fun and exhaustion :)

Weston and I infront of the baby elephant exhibit

What a cute baby!!!! This was my favorite exhibit!

Weston got tired quickly and passed out for a few hours...
Sleeeeeeeepy boy....
Out-Gotta love him!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Yes you did read it right, we are now using cloth diapers! Are you crazy? (what you are probably thinking) the answer is yes! I changed Weston's first wet diaper this morning and boy was it wet. but it didn't leak! Now we just have to wait for the "dirty" diaper test. I'm thinking it's going to be a bit more disgusting, but I will get used to it-i have to!

These diapers are awesome. They are the mother-ease brand that Chad's friends introduced us to. We just started using them b/c we were using all the diapers that were given to us as gifts and weston is finally growing out of the 1's. It only took 4 months :)

Another big thing that I am going to imbark on is making my own baby food. I've heard its easy and much cheaper than buying it.

I never thought I would be this person, using cloth diapers and making my own baby food. Who am I!?!

With all of todays conveniences, who would make more work for themselves? I guess the answer is me :)

Here are some pics of Weston's first cloth diapering experience

Mom...what are you thinking????

The diapers are a bit bigger than him right now!!!! What a cutie!

A view from behind-and yes, he is standing by himself! what a strong boy :)
"I love my new diapers mom!!"

So chad thought he would play with weston soon after he finished eating...

Careful are playing with fire!!!

....Told you so!!!!! Good thing he was wearing glasses!

I love being home, but it still doesn't afford much time for blogging. Hopefully I'll post more soon!