Monday, December 14, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Ready for a good laugh? I'm up for being the cause of your belly laughs, even if it causes me a little bit of embarrassment and humiliation!
Curtesy of where you'll find even more hilarious shameless bloggers:

I did not give my son of 8 months an '88 Buick grill and a shower curtain rod to play with on the back porch while his daddy and I sanded drum brakes-I would never do something so white trash as that.

I also did not let him play outdoors without a coat on in December, what kind of a mother would I be? That certainly isn't something I would do!

After hitting himself in the head with a toy or falling over like a log for no reason I do not start laughing histerically as my little crankypants started screaming uncontrollably-not me! (he only does this about a dozen times a day!)

My loving and thoughtful husband does not keep "bumping" Weston's head into door frames, ceilings, shelving etc while carrying him on his shoulders...not him! he would be more careful than that.

I am currently not ignoring Weston's cry's for help in the bathroom while daddy bathes him just so i can finish a post-

If you've enjoyed this, please head over to mcmama'a website and join the fun!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Still Sick

Well, mr crankypants is over his ear infection, but he now possibly has the roseola virus. This causes him to have unexplained high fevers for a few days and then after the fever is gone, he will supposedly develop a body wide rash for a day or so. We will know for sure that it is roseola if the rash appears.
Weston is dealing really well with the high fevers. He started this Wednesday evening with a temp of 101.1. We gave him some tylenol and then he woke up with a 102.2 fever Thursday morning. I called the doc and they had me bring him in at 11. I had just scheduled a dentist appt at 12:10-so, my schedule was once again put on hold. My dentist was amazing though. They sympathized with me and rearranged my appt so I could still come in on Thursday.
So, back to Weston. We got to the doc and they took his temp and it was 103.8!!! to top that off, it was after I gave him tylenol 2 hours before. That made me so nervous. They did a CBC and it showed that his white count was low-which is very good b/c it meant that he just had a virus, but they didn't know what kind of virus. The doc said that her crystal ball was telling her that it was that's what he was diagnosed with.
I stopped by the store afterwards and picked up some motrin and more tylenol so I could start him on the rotation to keep the fever under control. However, it doesn't seem to be doing much. All day yesterday we were fighting the 103 degree fever.
Last night, Weston woke me at 2am crying. I took him upstairs and found that his fever had spiked to 104.8...scary! I ended up giving him motrin and tylenol b/c both had worn off. We hung out on the chair upstairs for an hour until I knew that his fever was starting to go down.
Thankfully this morning, his fever was only 101.4. I think we are finally progressing. My poor little guy is exhausted and has no appetite. He will only eat/drink liquids. he has no interest in eating solids.
I miss my healthy boy!
On a happier note...We are less than 2 weeks away from our CO vacation!

Jealous yet?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Not Feelin so Hot...

My poor little man has a double ear infection :(
The past two or so days, Weston has been quite the cranky little guy-unusually cranky that is :) Today we started to pay a little more attention to him. I thought he was just being a little squirt.
I kept saying (as did the other's in the household), "Who took my son? This is not my little boy. He has been stolen and replaced with the devil's spawn!"
My mom suggested that we take him to the urgent care here in VA and I did agree seeing that we would be driving through the mountains to get home on Tuesday and that would NOT be fun with the changing pressures and a screaming baby in pain in the backseat.
So, we went to urgent care and after waiting about an hour in the exam room for the doc to come in, we learned the source behind his cranky-pantedness (word?)
Boy do i feel like a big jerk!
He is on an antibiotic now for the next 7 days...hopefully he'll be all better and ready to have fun in CO when we go.
poor mr. cranky pants.

Friday, December 4, 2009

In Virginia

Well, It's been a busy time around here in VA.
After 8.5 hours in the car with Weston and my folks, we arrived at Erin and Tony's. I was so very happy to be out of the car, but not b/c of weston-he was an absolutely incredible little guy the whole way. No crying at all! No, I was ready to be out of the car b/c well, we had been in it for so long-who wouldn't be ready to be off of their numb bum.
Erin didn't have little mr Elijah until Sunday-We were a little disappointed at the delay, but we did enjoy the few days together before his arrival.
Before I go on-Mr Parker was born at 10:32 am after 4 or 5 hours of labor. He weighed in at 7lbs 4.9oz and was 20.5" long.
He looks exactly like his daddy :)

While being here, Weston and Hailey got to play together and bathe together. This was so much easier than bathing them one at a time! They really enjoyed splashing and making a huge mess.

Boy did they have a great time!
Aside from cleaning and babysitting, I haven't been doing much, but that has been enough! My body is not taking kindly to all the travel and activity. I went to bed last night early not feeling too hot and woke up this morning the same way. The cold bug has struck. Hopefully I'll start feeling better so I can enjoy the last few days here in VA.
I haven't been too motivated to post with all of the hopefully that will change when we get back home.
We leave for our CO trip in about 3 please pray for snow b/c it isn't looking too good right now.'s the West in the Mountains for goodness sake...PLEASE SNOW!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Feeling guilty about something-Me neither! But there are some things that I may be a little ashamed to admit...but it's very therapeutic! Join in if you must!!!

I did not scrape off the top of some fishy looking frosting and continue to use the rest of it-I ALWAYS use fresh!

I did not put my son on the floor and have the dogs entertain him b/c I was not too lazy to do it myself. I never let the dogs babysit my son ;)

Just to get some cooking done before the little one got up this morning, I did NOT ignore his first waking noises and I didn't continue cooking hoping to get it done until at which point his waking noises did not become consistant whining cries saying, "MOM, I am awake! Get me out of this crib before I do it myself!"

And I am not writing this post at 10:30 pm just b/c i want to admit the embarassing moments in my life-It's just fun!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

May Jesus Christ Be Praised

I received this in an email devotional I get everyday and I thought this was awesome. I wish I could do the same and always turn to praise Jesus Christ when I feel a void in my heart or when life doesn't seem to be going the way it should.
How do you get to that point when there is tragedy in your life and your first response is to praise Jesus Christ? I long to be in that position. When tragedy comes my way, my first response is why? or anger or unbelief. Eventually I get to the point where I praise Jesus, but sometimes I don't. Sometimes its more of a cry to God instead of praising him. But when I do praise him, it heals-why don't I seek the healing through praise first and foremost?
so many questions I need to find answers to. Finally, the words I wanted to share initially as my baby boy cries for me to pick him up:

When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer to Jesus I repair;
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Wnene'er the sweet church bell peals over hill and dell,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
O hark to what it sings, as joyously it rings,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

When sleep her balm denies, My silent spirit sighs,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
When evil thoughts molest, with this I shield my breast,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

In Heaven's eternal bliss the loveliest strain is this,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
The powers of darkness fear when this sweet sound chant they hear
May Jesus Christ be praised!

To God, the Word, on high, the hosts of angels cry,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let mortals, too, upraise their voice in hymns of praise;
May Jesus Christ be praised!

-Rev. E. Caswell (1800)

Monday, November 16, 2009


My worst nightmare has come true...ok, so not my worst nightmare...but a scary thing has happened. My little biter has had a tooth emerge! Nursing is going to become a very scary thing. Weston has started a nice bonding event for mother and son during nursing.
As he nurses, he will look up at me, smile and then CRUNCH! ok, not really crunch, more like PINCH! SQUEEZE! IF I COULD I WOULD BITE IT OFF! more like that. If my milk sac's crunched we might have an issue, but yes, my son thinks its fun to bite me. Every time he does it, I yelp a little then tell him, "No Bite!" firmly and if he continues I then flick his little cheek.
Now that he has a tooth, I have a feeling it is going to become more painful. Oh boy! I am excited for this phase in his life but I am nervous...why little man, WHY?
if the squirt will let me get a picture of his tooth, I will but he's not very helpful with that yet.
any suggestions would be helpful!

Not Me Monday!

Being a wonderful monther and loving wife, the following post is definitely not an admittance to guilt on my behalf. Believe what you may and enjoy!

A few nights ago, I did not pass off my wide awake little man to his grammy at 4:30 am b/c i didn't want to deal with him. I did not just think that he was being cranky instead of investigating further to find out what was keeping him awake. Sunday morning, we did not discover two little teeth trying to poke through and I did not put 2 and 2 together and figure out why he was awake. NOT ME!

I did not let my son crawl all over a floor without first sweeping up crumbs and whatever else was there. I did not proceed to watch him play with the debris and said floor and just laugh.

On our weekend away from home, I did not let my son crawl out of his pants (which didn't fit b/c he wasn't wearing his cloth diapers) while I took a picture instead of putting them back on.

What about you? Need to get anything off your chest?

Friday, November 13, 2009


We are supposed to go hunting tomorrow...well, we'll see who goes hunting anyway. After breakfast today, weston decided to return his breakfast to me by means of spewing it all over the floor. I have no idea why that happened. So soon after I cleaned up that mess, he decided to get VERY cranky when I denied him access to the computer cords which he has been intrigued with for the past week or so.
He has all these toys to play with but decides that he would rather drag himself across the living room to the computer cord and play with that.
My cranky pants earned himself a nap after that. Mama cranky pants was having nothing to do with the tantrum.
I wanted to take him to Taylorsville park and go for a walk this morning, but we'll see if I get to do that. I need to finish up the laundry that he made for me this morning, pack our gear for the trip to Uncle Andy's and Aunt Beth's house, get cleaned up, make some food for cranky pants for the weekend, and whatever else I can think of :)
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Big News!!!!

There has been a lot going on lately most of which is VERY exciting.
First of all-if you don't know who Stellan is go to this website: and read all about him to catch up. There is a button on the side of the blog that says "Read Stellan's Story". anyway, Stellan had surgery to fix his SVT that he has been struggling with since before he was born and it was A HUGE SUCCESS! Praise God! I know a lot of people have been praying for him, so this is a huge answer to prayer.
Secondly these two

Are going to be PARENTS in June!!!! Congrats!!!
Chad and I are so excited to have another niece or nephew!!

Thirdly, this little guy

Just might be crawling soon as evidenced by this picture

This little guy has been a bit fussy

maybe b/c he was scared of the sweeper or maybe because he's working on some choppers...we'll see soon. As of right now his mouth is full of these (gums)

That's okay though because then it won't hurt when he does this

Monday, November 9, 2009

Rescue is Coming

left this in the comments section of Mckmama's blog:

Rescue is Coming by David Crowder Band

There's a darkness in my skin
My cover's wearing thin, I believe
I'd love to start again, go back to innocent
And never leave

Don't give up now
A break in the clouds
We could be found
There's nothing wrong with me
It's just that I believe things could get better
And there's nothing wrong with love
I think it's just enough to believe

Rescue is coming
Rescue is coming
Rescue is coming
Rescue is coming

And there's nothing wrong with you
And nothing left to do
But believe something bigger
And there's nothing wrong with love
I know it's just enough to believe

Don't give up now
A break in the clouds
We will be found
Rescue is coming now

Rescue is coming
Rescue is coming
Rescue is coming
Rescue is coming

No words needed here except Amazing!


Please Please Please pray for this family:

Their little boy Stellan is going to be having risky heart surgery today and everything is on the line.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


If you don't want to read about politics...then don't read further!
COME ON OHIO!!! Seriously? The citizens of this state just voted for our state to go further in debt and for the state to allow people to ruin their lives by gambling them away. Do you realize what kind of people are going to venture to the cities now? I'll tell you some things to expect now: Higher crime rates, gambling addiction, family dysfunction, and underage gambling. I guess this means that the health care sector and the police to have more business. What a deal. Gambling = medical problems, social problems, and economic problems. Research it for yourself.
As far as Issue 1 goes, I'm all for paying vets-however, you need to have money to pay them. I don't agree with the state borrowing money to pay for them when there is already a deficit. Selling bonds means taking loans...they just didn't want to state it like that.
Pat yourselves on the back Ohio-it'll be just like the presidential election...everybody's happy now, but just'll change.
I'm just not very happy right now...obviously.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who Wouldn't Love Him?

What a cute giraffe! And to think, we didn't even have to stretch his neck to make him look convincing!
You know, even though sometimes he crys and whines and i can't figure out why-I still love him.
When I go into his room and it smells strangely reminiscent of a certain brother's room on Sunday mornings after eating bean soup-I still love him!
Who else could love a boy this much even after cleaning/washing many cloth diapers that are none to pretty-ME! I still love him!
Even after he pukes down my shirt, into my bra and in my hair-I still love him...EVEN MORE!
When I don't seem to get anything done in a day because the little stinker won't nap-I still love him!
After spending tons of money on a hospital and 26 hours of labor and spending even more money-just on upkeep and it just being the beginning of how expensive he is going to be-I REALLY REALLY LOVE HIM!
I don't have the social life that I used to because of the new responsibilities I have-I still love him and I would rather spend my friday/saturday nights hanging out with my little man making him smile and laugh when he's upset than spend it with my very best friend at a party or going out to eat-I love him that much!
I have stretch marks and a soft belly that I am now working on to return to prebaby solidness (well, kind of solid) and if i never get it back, I don't care becuase I love him more than myself! I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH.
Thank you Jesus for my little guy-he was the best change and interruption of my life ever!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Not Me Monday!

I've been a bit terrible at posting, so I really wanted to get back to my shameless posts because they are so much fun! Here goes nothing:

Since we are such awesome parents, we would never just put our baby boy into his plastic tub in the bathroom while we...ahem...relieve ourselves.
During one such event, Weston did not lean too far forward and tip the tub causing it to fall over on top of him. He did not cry and definitely did not get a bit of a bloody nose-NOT US!

While on the way to a restaurant, a big hairy spider did not crawl up my leg and I did not start screaming and climbing the sides of the car. We did not have to pull over so I could jump out of the car while it was raining outside until we found the spider which turned up on top of the car. I still don't check the car when i get in it :)

and now i'm drawing a blank...soooo...that's it for now :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My apologies!

So i have neglected my blog lately-shame on me! Actually, I've been trying to lessen the time that I spend watching TV and being on the internet in order to get things done and play with my son. It is going well, but it is so hard!
I promise I will try and do a the "not me monday" come Monday. I have a few goodies stored up for that post!
Anyway, we've had a lot going on the past few weeks. First and foremost we are no longer home-owners :(. I am excited to have that burden lifted off of our shoulders, but sad that our first home no longer belongs to us. All the hard work we put into it is now at somebody else's disposal. However, with Chad's job change and pay cut, the burden of that high of a mortgage was a little overwhelming.
We closed on the house last Tuesday in Toledo. After the closing we had a celebratory dinner at Olive Garden-compliments of We didn't pay a dime for it-which made it even sweeter!!
Weston had his 6 month appointment last week as well. Our little rascal now weighs 17 lbs 3 oz! What a skinny boy! He measured 26.5 inches long-but i think that they were wrong on that end b/c at his 4 month appointment he was 26 inches. Call me crazy, but seeing how many outfits the squirt has grown out of in the past two months-i can't believe he's only grown 1/2 inch.
well, no pics for now b/c i'm not on our we don't have them on here.
Time to check on my hopefully sleeping babe :) Lately he has just been laying in bed awake instead of sleeping.

Monday, October 5, 2009


It is time again to be shameless...

At a wedding this weekend, I did not allow my husband to let our 6 month old toothless babe suck on a frozen peach in which he did not "gum off" a chunk and proceed to not start choking on it. I most certainly did not tell my husband to reach in his throat and pull it out only to be bathed in peach vomit. I did not chuckle as my husband had to clean off said vomit and baby proceeded to reach for the peach again-he surely learned his lesson-NOT

I did not walk around church all day with carrot puke down the front of my WHITE fleece b/c being the responsible mother, I did not forget to pack another shirt to change into.

My husband and I never forget to dress our son appropriately for the weather. For instance, we did not take our son to church without socks on yesterday b/c we couldn't find any. So instead of socks, i did not just wrap a blanket around his feet until we got inside and then I did not put on his green and blue plaid shoes which did not match his green, orange, brown and red striped shirt and fitted khaki sweats that are tight at the ankle just so nobody would see he did not have socks on. Not Me!

Last but not least-
I did not forget that I packed up my precious babe's crib and took it to my parents house so that when we got to bryan I did not realize I had forgotten to pack the pack-n-play. My poor little Weston did not have to sleep on the floor on top of blankets surrounded by pillows so he did not roll under the bed and dressers.

so there you have it! What are you unashamed (well maybe...a bit ashamed) about and are daring to share with the world?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Me! Monday

So I've decided to join this group of unashamed mom's and make light of the ridiculous things I have been doing lately.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I have some catching up to here are some of the best that I can think of:

After returning home from church, my husband and I got out of the car and heard turkey's calling. I most certainly did not pick up my already cranky baby who was hungry and take him into the woods to see if we could find said turkeys. I did not start nursing him to keep him quiet so he wouldn't scare off the turkeys behind somebody's house for the next hour, not me!

I did not use my shirt or other clothing to wipe off spit up b/c I never forget spit rags.

To keep my 4 month old son quiet while watching one of my favorite stories, I did not feed him ice cream b/c that is not what a good mom does. Not Me!

I did not dress my son in the clothes below just so we could have blackmail when he is older-what kind of mother would i be!

After listening to my son scream in the backseat for a half hour, I did not climb into the back seat and I did not proceed to lean over him and let him nurse while he was still in his carseat. I would never do something so ridiculous!

i most certainly did not grab a newborn diaper and stuff it into my bra at night to soak up the torrents of milk gushing out b/c i couldn't find a breast pad-not me!

That's all for now, but not for good! What have you not been up to lately?

My Joy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

First Ride on the Bobcat!

Weston is a true Clark Boy! He had his initiation yesterday when he got to drive the Bobcat at Grammy and Grampa's house last night. The boy's decided not to let Grammy or myself know they were doing this until after all was said and done. Weston was in on it too-his first act of deception (even though he may not be aware of it...but i think this picture shows he kind of knew what was going on?)

I always knew it would come to this...oh what fun I have to look forward too...notice how no adult is near by in case the little one loses his balance...glad i was not out there!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our New Old Car

Here's a sneak peak of our new car:

Ours may be a little different. Also, ours is red, not white. I can't find many pic's online though.

What? Taxes were due in April?

I just filed our state taxes! you say..hmmm 4months late? correct, but that was not on purpose. I actually thought i filed our state taxes sometime in early march, however the federal government told me that i was sorely mistaken.
The whole fiasco started over a month ago when i received a letter from the IRS stating that we owed them 3,000! I about lost my cookies. In panic I called them and they said they would investigate the matter. Well, after over a month of investigating, they called us and told us we had filed twice-one with our original deduction amount and the other with the standard deduction. As soon as I heard that it clicked in my mind..."Holy Crap! i filled out the wrong form!" I informed chad by helpfully whispering in his ear as he was on the phone, "tell them we filed online for federal and sent the state in by mail-we must have sent in the wrong form!"
Chad, being as gracious as he can be talked to them and we got it figured out. The very nice lady on the phone said that we had to re-file our federal return in order to straighten the mess out b/c they used the second form as the "edited" return or whatever term was that she used.
The lady was very nice and said that she would fill it out for us and all we would have to do is sign the form :) They must not be very busy in the tax office right now if she is willing to fill out the tax form for us! but i am not going to complain.
So this morning, my task was to call the Ohio state tax dept and ask them what we needed to do. Luckily, all that was required was to file the state tax. We didn't owe anything-so there was no interest tacked on. To my dismay though, our return is significantly less than we thought-Instead of receiving 1400 from the state we are receiving a measly $13. But hey, that is $13 we didn't have before right? That will be a nice meal from Wendly's!
I am just glad that it is all figured out and that we don't owe the federal gov't $3000!
Boy do i feel like an idiot! I guess we won't do that again! Poor Chad, and to think he trusted me with it all-guess I got myself out of doing the taxes next year!
Well, we will be heading up to Indian Lake this I'm sure there will be cute pics of Weston next week!
He is squealing like a little girl right now-that is his thing...squealing as high-pitched as possible. It's cute right now, but i'm sure it wont be later on when his lungs get stronger!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sweet Potatoes and Carrots!

At about 4 1/2 months, my doc has recommended that we start weston on solids...well, at least that's what the paperwork they gave me said. So, I decided to follow their advice-He still breast feeds every 3 hours though-so don't worry :)

As my little man sleeps, i thought i would share some pics of him, but i dont have much time. I'm sure i'll hear his shrill scream in the next 15 minutes :) He doesn't wake up very happy after naps.

I gave him a bite of carrots as i was making them and he promptly made a disgusted face. He gave me the same face with his first bite of sweet potatoes. All i caught on camera was the "not sure about this mom" face...

In other news...he absolutely loves this toy will be a very sad day when we move out of grandma and grandpa snyders and we have to leave this toy behind

...the towel is there for puke protection...instead of being white puke, it is now orange-yay for solids! one day it will end and ironically, i will probably miss it b/c that will mean he is growing up...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

4 Months and Growing!

Weston had his 4 month appt last thursday. I decided to take Weston to an office in Huber where the doc's have rights at the Children's hospital in Dayton. As I was filling out the paperwork in the waiting room, my sweet little boy decided to leave evidence of his extracurricular activities on my shirt-which the doc got a kick out of :) We were called back quickly into the exam room where we were soon engulfed by a constant stream of nurses and doc's coming in to see the "new cute little baby boy with the spiked hair" :) The entire office got a kick out Weston-he had a great time too flirting with the nurses-what a ham.

The doc said that we don't need to worry about westons continuous flow of spit up since it doesn't seem to bother him. In which my thought was-it may not bother him, but what about me?! I go through as many shirts as he does if I want to avoid smelling like puke all day! Ok, that's not the complete much as I don't like smelling like sour milk and puke, I would rather dawn (sp?) that odor than to put medicine into my child that doesn't do any good for him.

Here are Weston's numbers if your interested: 14 lbs 14 oz - 50%; 26" - 80% Translation: long and skinny :) that's my boy!

Speaking of being long and skinny-Weston is now wearing 9-12 month clothes. I went out and bought him about 5 or 6 sleepers, all sizes 6-9 months. Come to find out-they didn't fit! I was less than happy about that! So all but 2 of the sleepers have been exchanged. One has been washed and the other just hasn't been dealt with.

In other news-we are now into 2 weeks of cloth diapers and I am loving it. We've had no leaks and no rashes! I love these diapers! Here's a pic of my new life of cloth diapers:

This past weekend we traveled to Pokagon State Park for the Snyder Family reunion. We had a good time eating food and speaking to relatives that I couldn't remember names of and some that I just plane couldn't remember! We got another picture of Weston and his cousin Landon though. Landon was born the day after Weston and was the same length and weight. Landon now is the same length as Weston but has him beat by 2 lbs!!!!

It took a while to grandma to look up and by the time we got it going landon wasn't very happy. Weston however, never quit staring and sucking on his fingers!

Weston Rolled over onto his tummy today! He has been rolling from tummy to back since he was about 2 1/2 months-more consistently since 3 months. So at just over 4 months he has accomplished the back to belly! Now we just need to accomplish walking...right! I'm not ready for that yet! Actually, i'm not ready for the rolling from back to belly seeing as how I was a little too trusting of the little guy yesterday. Mom called and had me call the butcher to put in her cut order for the side of beef she is getting (mmmmm). So, me being the airhead first time mom, left Weston on the couch on his back-all the way to the back of the couch. As I was talking to mom, I started walking back into the living room to check on the little guy and as I was about in there, I saw Weston in the reflection from the fireplace falling off the couch! I felt sooo horrible!! how could I do that and be so irresponsible!? My mom reassured me that most first time mom's do that-but i still felt horrible :( Weston is just fine though. He only cried for a minute or so and then he was back to his smiley self :)

One more thing before I quit on this post...Weston and I went to the Zoo with the clarks last friday-a day of fun and exhaustion :)

Weston and I infront of the baby elephant exhibit

What a cute baby!!!! This was my favorite exhibit!

Weston got tired quickly and passed out for a few hours...
Sleeeeeeeepy boy....
Out-Gotta love him!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Yes you did read it right, we are now using cloth diapers! Are you crazy? (what you are probably thinking) the answer is yes! I changed Weston's first wet diaper this morning and boy was it wet. but it didn't leak! Now we just have to wait for the "dirty" diaper test. I'm thinking it's going to be a bit more disgusting, but I will get used to it-i have to!

These diapers are awesome. They are the mother-ease brand that Chad's friends introduced us to. We just started using them b/c we were using all the diapers that were given to us as gifts and weston is finally growing out of the 1's. It only took 4 months :)

Another big thing that I am going to imbark on is making my own baby food. I've heard its easy and much cheaper than buying it.

I never thought I would be this person, using cloth diapers and making my own baby food. Who am I!?!

With all of todays conveniences, who would make more work for themselves? I guess the answer is me :)

Here are some pics of Weston's first cloth diapering experience

Mom...what are you thinking????

The diapers are a bit bigger than him right now!!!! What a cutie!

A view from behind-and yes, he is standing by himself! what a strong boy :)
"I love my new diapers mom!!"

So chad thought he would play with weston soon after he finished eating...

Careful are playing with fire!!!

....Told you so!!!!! Good thing he was wearing glasses!

I love being home, but it still doesn't afford much time for blogging. Hopefully I'll post more soon!

Monday, July 27, 2009

poo and the bmv

Chad and Weston are talking to each other-Weston is very excitable/squeally's so cute. Sometimes he sounds like a girl though...we'll have to watch that.
I went to the wonderful BMV today to renew my driver's license-that's right, I am now 25, goodbye youth :( - and I took Weston with me in the only vehicle available, the pickup. Please don't berate me. I turned the airbag off. I had to go and I really had no other options-we made it safe so don't worry.
During the half hour we were there, Weston decided it would be a good time to fill his drawers. I didn't hear anything but as I was holding him, I could smell it and all of you that have smelt it before know what I'm talking about. He doesn't have the nice newborn poo anymore, you know, the kind that doesn't have a scent. Nope, he's graduated to nasty smelly clay-consistency poo.
So as I'm standing there in close proximity to other people, i am just hoping it was a toot and nothing else, that way it would eventually go away. No luck, it got smellier and smellier the longer I stood there.
We got out of there without overhearing any comments-whew.
I love being a mommy-so many fun adventures!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A New Outfit

Yesterday, Weston and I went to the hospital to get him weighed and to show him off. After the hospital we were going to meet Grammy Clark for lunch and b/c she was going to give me some stuff that I had left at her house a few days ago. So, I packed an extra outfit for Weston for the few hours that we would be away from home, figuring that was all he would need...silly me. I always pack at least 2 extra outfits, I don't know what was going through my mind.

Anyway, on the way to the hospital and while there, Weston decided to puke all over his clothes to the point of being drenched and disgusting. Mom wouldn't let me redress him those clothes. So, i put him in another outfit. We got to the diner in Hilliard in about an hour and Weston was not going to be very patient about getting his lunch. I warmed his bottle and fed it to him. He ate almost the whole 1o oz without a break...oops. Grandma Clark took him to burp him and he immediately lost his lunch all over her!!! I should've known better the little stinker.

Throughout the entire lunch, Weston kept "sharing" his lunch with his grammy.

Needless to say, his clothes didn't fare much better than grammy's blouse and I didn't have anymore clothes for the little guy. So before we got back on 70 to head home, i stopped at target and picked up a cheap outfit. he needed some more clothes for later on anyway.

However, soon after we got home, Weston broke in those new clothes. 3 outfits in a matter of 4 hours...priceless.

here are pics for some smiles:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Myrtle Beach and Other News

It has been a very long time, once again and I apologize. I really have meant to update this thing but every time i think about it, it never happens. So I will now take the time while my little guy is napping, however long that may be.
Weston and I just returned from a nice week at Myrtle Beach with my family. Aside from the 12 hour drive, we had a great time. Ask anybody who has been stuck in a vehicle with a 3 month old for 12 or more hours and they will tell you it is no fun for anybody in the car.

We left Friday night/Saturday morning around midnight in order to drive most of the way while the kids slept. It was a good idea, but come morning, nobody was in a good mood. The last two hours of the drive-and most frustrating thanks to a faulty GPS-Weston pretty much screamed his heart out. His protest was heard by all in the Myrtle Beach area.
The drive home went much smoother with only about 20 minutes total of fussing. However, the worst part of the traveling was Weston's digestive schedule-if you know what i mean. He has been on a "weekly" schedule, meaning, he has blow outs all day long-once a week-and it just so happened that his once a week day occurred on the way there and on the way back resulting in a clean up of his carseat and his body during the trips. Oh what fun-especially when you are cleaning these kind of messes in the dark in a rest area somewhere in West Virginia. Oh boy :) I feel sorry for the person on bathroom duty that had to empty the trash-SMELLY!

During this week, Weston had a lot of interesting "firsts".
He got to "swim" in the ocean, "play" in the sand, and eat rice cereal.
Swimming in the ocean wasn't exactly his choice, but each day he enjoyed it more and more. That is until Grandpa Snyder took him a little too deep. As they were getting their pictures taken-which I will post when I get them-a few big waves hit and Weston did not appreciate the assault of salt water as the pictures will show.
Immediately after the pictures were taken, my dad gave me the screaming monster and i started nursing him to calm him down. He was traumatized, but everyone else was laughing histerically :) No worries though, Grandpa did earn his trust back later on in the week.
We did more swimming in the pool than we did the ocean and I dare say that Weston enjoyed the pool much more than he did the ocean, even though on the last day in the ocean, i got him to smile.
Much to our dismay though, the pool was closed for the last 3 days of our vacation-BOO. This resulted in a 2 hour search for a pool the saturday that we were leaving. We did end up finding the pool, but Weston was in blow-out mode, so he didn't have the pleasure of leaving floaties in the public pool.

As everyone knows, Weston has a bit of a purging problem. my lovely sister-in-law nicole told us that they gave AJ rice cereal to help with the issue and it worked. So I decided i was tired of the constant onslaught of soured milk and it was time to try something else since the Zantac didn't seem to be helping anymore. So we bought some organic rice cereal and gave weston his first real taste of solid foods-well, aside from the yogurt, chocolate, ice cream, whipped cream etc that he's had tastes of in the past :) I would never feed my child stuff like this at such an early age...ahem.

Anyway, he did a great job and I think he liked it. Aside from a face covered in cereal-he did great. Thanks to aunt Erin restraining him, all went pretty smooth.
Weston got to meet his cousins AJ and Elise this past week for the first time. Everybody got along and aside from one squashing attempt by Elise, there were no mishaps :)

Some milestones that Weston has reached in the past couple months are as follows-laughing out loud-sometime in the second month, rolling over from belly to back-around 2 1/2 months, talking a lot-i have no idea when-what a bad mommy, reaching and grabbing things-around 2 months. I can't remember any others right now, but when i do, i will post them.

Weston will be 4 months old-ALREADY!!-on August 8th. he is getting so big so fast it makes me sad.

Now for news on the job front for chad. He started at a job in St. Paris, ohio 3 weeks ago and is doing well. he is happy there for now. There may be another job opportunity in the future, but we're not sure. We are living with my parents for now during the week and we are traveling on the weekends. Hopefully our house sells soon so we don't have that burden anymore.

So if anyone is looking for a house in the Northwest Ohio area, we have a beauty that you may be interested in :)
That is all for now :) it only took 3 hours to get this post done-so i am done-whew