Ready for a good laugh? I'm up for being the cause of your belly laughs, even if it causes me a little bit of embarrassment and humiliation!
Curtesy of www.mycharmingkids.net where you'll find even more hilarious shameless bloggers:
I did not give my son of 8 months an '88 Buick grill and a shower curtain rod to play with on the back porch while his daddy and I sanded drum brakes-I would never do something so white trash as that.
I also did not let him play outdoors without a coat on in December, what kind of a mother would I be? That certainly isn't something I would do!
After hitting himself in the head with a toy or falling over like a log for no reason I do not start laughing histerically as my little crankypants started screaming uncontrollably-not me! (he only does this about a dozen times a day!)
My loving and thoughtful husband does not keep "bumping" Weston's head into door frames, ceilings, shelving etc while carrying him on his shoulders...not him! he would be more careful than that.
I am currently not ignoring Weston's cry's for help in the bathroom while daddy bathes him just so i can finish a post-
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